Here’s why your gym probably wants you to fail

Did you know that

Only 10% of people think that their fitness resolution will last after 3 months.

75% of people who set fitness goals as New Year’s resolutions give them up

Most people are likely to give up on their New Year’s resolutions by January 19th

Most gyms want you to fail. This might seem ironic but it is the truth- let me explain.

At the most basic level there are three types of gyms;

  1. Cheap gyms
  2. Mid-range gyms
  3. High end or expensive gyms

Service is typically inversely related to these. What this means is that cheaper and most large  commercial gyms need a lot more clients than high end gyms to meet revenue goals.

For example; for each gym to make 10,000 a month [a hypothetical number] they could offer the following membership level

Gym Member cost Members needed Revenue
cheap 15 666.66 10,000
mid-range 40 250 10,000
expensive 120 83.33 10,000

Now here’s where it gets interesting…

What if all the members actually showed up? Imagine it is the first week in January and you’re in the gym. You’re a little frustrated that it takes you a couple of extra minutes to find a free parking space and that you seem to always have to wait your turn for equipment.

But you think no big deal, it won’t be like this for much longer. And it’s not- a couple of weeks go by and you can now find that parking spot and no longer have to wait around for gym equipment.

What would you do if your gym was always like that first week in January? You would probably cancel, correct? And when you and many others cancel- gym revenues plummet.

Cheap gyms are left with a dilemma. On the one hand they need a high volume of people to sign up each month or year but on the other hand they are supposed to help people reach their goals by continuing to offer their services which lead to gym results.

This is why cheap gyms do not offer accountability. They are not concerned if you miss a session, or don’t attend their facility for weeks or months.

By following this model, cheap gyms can continue to oversell their memberships. This is why they can offer cheap memberships in the first place, and why they seem to have a crazy introduction offer or special promotion every month.

Expensive or high-end gyms do not run into this problem. They do not need an entire sales department dedicated to converting prospects to members as their membership volume is low.

They would not collapse if all members used their services. In fact, most gyms take it one step further.

High service gyms offer fitness accountability. They do not depend on you to not show up. If you miss a day or week you will probably hear from them. They want you to succeed as this is how they have built their membership model.

Don’t feel bad about using an inexpensive gym. It will offer tremendous value for those that consistently use the service. But don’t expect them to offer accountability or actively help you to work towards your goals- it is a numbers game after all.

We are a private gym in Waterford that a) provides built-in accountability measures  b) will follow up with you to continue to work towards your goals if you miss a session and c) ensures you get results from your investment in a membership, consider training at Motiv8 Fitness. Learn more About Us.

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