Summer 2024 Youth Gym Classes

Summer 2024 Youth Fitness Classes in Waterford

We are excited to announce the start of our Youth Fitness Programme for the summer, beginning 3rd June 2024.

This programme will run for two six-week terms, with classes held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

New Participant?

The good news is, if you’re seeing this, we still have spaces available for both terms.

Youth Gym Class Schedule

Mondays at 7pm

  • Term 1: 3rd June*, 10th, 17th, 24th, 1st July, 8th
  • Term 2: 15th July, 22nd, 29th, 5th August*, 12th, 19th

Tuesdays at 7:30pm

  • Term 1: 4th June, 11th, 18th, 25th, 2nd July, 9th
  • Term 2: July 16th, 23rd, 30th, 6th August, 13th, 20th

Wednesdays at 7pm

  • Term 1: 5th June, 12th, 19th, 26th, 3rd July, 10th
  • Term 2: July 17th, 24th, 31st, 7th August, 14th, 21st

Thursdays at 7:30pm

  • Term 1: 6th June, 13th, 20th, 27th, 4th July, 11th
  • Term 2: 18th, 25th, 1st August, 8th, 15th, 22nd

*Note: 3rd June and 5th August are bank holidays, but classes will continue as normal.

Suitable for ages 11-15

  • Each session lasts one hour
  • Choose between one or two sessions per week in the each term
  • One session per week in 6-week term [6 total sessions] = €75
  • Discounted Rate: If you sign up for two sessions per week for both terms, receive a 15% discount if you book prior to June 3rd 2024
    • Two sessions per week for Terms 1 & 2 [24 total sessions] = €255


Our goal is for participants to complete 80% or more of the sessions throughout the term. We understand that children may be away due to holidays, summer camps, etc. However, where possible, we promote the benefits of physical activity and maintaining a routine for kids during the summer.

Please note that this programme includes more than just gym access. Every workout is guided by experienced and enthusiastic coaches who specialise in youth fitness training.

Is your child ready to join the most exciting and engaging youth fitness programme in the South East?

Click the link below to secure your child’s spot for the upcoming term.

One session each week in Term one or Term 2:

Two sessions each week in Term 1 or Term 2:

Two sessions each week in Term 1 and Term 2**:

** If selecting two sessions each week in both Terms, use the promotion code summer15 to save €45 prior to June 3rd 2024.


Once payment is confirmed, parents or guardians will receive a follow-up email. In this email, they will complete a questionnaire to determine which day(s) per week their child would like to train. Please note that these selected days cannot be changed due to capacity limits.

Small Group Personal Training Programme

We also offer a small group personal training programme for kids between the ages of 11 to 15. This programme is better suited for individuals with additional needs or advanced/high-level athletes who require a structured routine around training and matches. It is an excellent way to maximise your child’s training this summer.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and we’ll be glad to provide you with more information. 

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